“Anything You Lose” is a compelling and thought-provoking documentary that explores the world of Reproductive Technologies and its effects on mental health. The film delves into the booming industry, where clinics compete for clientele with high success rates, and follows the director Irina Vodar on her personal seven-year journey.

Irina and her husband Eddie are a couple who want to havea child but face challenges and pressures along the way.Through cinema vérité footage and narration, Vodar share her intimate story of hope and resilience, and examines the psychological impact of reproductive technologies on patients, such as addiction, shame, isolation, and silence.The film is a powerful commentary on the psychological toll that infertility can take on individuals and couples, andthe lengths that people will go to in order to have a child.

The documentary is a poignant reminder of the emotional and financial costs of assisted reproduction, and the impact that it can have on mental health.

The film’s central message is one of hope and resilience, as we see Irina and Eddie’s journey unfold and witness the profound impact that it has on their lives. The documentary is a powerful reminder that no matter how difficult the journey may be, there is always hope for a brighter future.Overall, “Anything You Lose” is a must-see documentary for anyone interested in exploring the complex issues surrounding infertility and reproductive technologies. With its powerful message of hope and resilience, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression on audiences.